Living a Healthy Lifestyle

I love food. I love comfort. I love snugly blankets, big comfy chairs, my PJ's staying on all day. And though rest is good, food is a necessity, and it's fine to love fuzzy blankets, these things all working together turn into laziness and a lack of care for my body.

Although Taylor and I have been pretty good at going to the gym lately, and we are trying to improve our eating, we still love food. When I get stressed, I eat a whole bag of potato chips. Taylor eats a pint of ice cream.

But treating our bodies like this is a sin. God created our bodies to work for us, not against us. But when we constantly put bad things in our bodies, and decide not to go to the gym but sit around instead, we are setting ourselves up for failure.

God commands us in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 to take care of our bodies:

God commands this of us because we belong to Him. Our bodies are his and our lives are his. If we spend our lives not taking care of our bodies, what kind of witness are we being to those around us? In my eyes, we are basically saying "Hey, I follow God and Jesus saved my life, but I am not willing to take care of what he has given me... I'd rather eat". Through my daily actions, this is what I am doing. I am unintentionally spitting at the command to take care of my body.

Is it a sin to miss going to the gym, or to eat a sugary treat? No, I don't think so. What is a sin though, is to live a lifestyle that constantly avoids exercise, accepts unhealthy eating, and encourages laziness. That is when it's a sin- and I'm the worlds worst for doing all of those things.

Just as God called us to be good stewards of the earth, good stewards of our money, and good stewards of our families, God has also called us to be good stewards of our bodies. He wants us to take care of what he has blessed us with. If we don't, we are missing an entire element of being a good witness, and we are not "working with all our might, in all we do, for the Lord" (Colossians 3:23).

So, as I am now challenging myself to be more mindful of how I have treating my body, I'd encourage you to do the same. Aim to take better care of your body. God not only commands it, but it will benefit you and glorify him.


  1. This is absolutely true! It is awesome that you recognize this and decide to move forward.

    1. Thank you! It is a difficult transition, but I am definitely trying!

  2. Such a good word and something I have been struggling with. I love connecting the word to something I have a goal to do. It makes me more motivated to do it!

    1. As difficult as this can be, it is going do be so worth it! Glad it encouraged you!

  3. Yes yes yes, so great. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  4. Well said! I have been slacking off and on in the "taking care of my body" department. You're right, we have to remember that we are stewards of the bodies God gave us and should therefore be taking care of ourselves in this way :)

    1. So glad this spoke to you! And thank you for commenting!

  5. I think it is great that you are trying to be more mindful of how you treat your body - I think it is so easy to fall into bad food traps as well as lack of exercise in the modern world because everything is just so "convenient" but convenience is not equal to health. That being said, part of life is enjoying it and not beating ourselves up every time we make a mistake or never allowing ourselves to indulge. I think it's perfectly fine to indulge once in a while and also to even fall off the wagon and have a bag of chips without immediately scolding ourselves but to work towards a regular schedule of healthy eating and regular exercise :)

    Rae | love from berlin

    1. Rae, thanks for that! I completely agree! Beating ourselves up is never the right way to go. Their is a balance that needs to be found: one that is mindful and health conscious, but also enjoys life and isn't afraid to have a treat. :)

  6. I'm a firm believer in the "moderation" approach to eating, but I also champion cardiovascular health. The #1 killer of women is heart disease and how we eat and how we move plays a big role in the wellness of our lives.
    I agree that taking care of our vessels is a great way to show mindful stewardship. Trust me, getting up in the morning to workout is not ideal, but living a healthier life totally makes up for abandoning a cozy bed.

    Texas Jak

    1. That's so true. I have been learning about the issues women seem to have with heart health lately and it's insane!

  7. Thank you for contributing to Motivational Monday!

  8. SO TRUE!!! I wish more pastors and well known and respected speakers would be willing to speak out about this topic. We should always be ready to do whatever God asks of us, whether it is staying in out own community and showing his love our hiking through the jungle and talking with those who have never heard of Jesus.
    Obesity is not healthy, it is not beautiful. Peoples hearts and minds can be beautiful and I totally understand that some people do have issues that contribute to being overweight, but it shouldn't be accepted as normal and fine, because it isn't. From a medical standpoint or a spiritual one.

    1. Yes, exactly! I mean, of course, the heart is what's most important to God, but that doesn't mean we should forsake other important things, just because they aren't priority #1!

  9. Ooooo, I love this. (: I'm pretty healthy, and know my limits, but only because I was raised in dancing. I love how this is put! I think sometimes we know good things, and how good they can be for us, but when we can't find Biblical truths to uphold our thoughts, other Christians can shut us down. While I'm not always dancing with God specifically in mind (dancing is dangerous, and to say I could think of anything BUT being safe while dancing would be a lie), it feels good to know that my body has benefited the movement afterwards. ^.^

    I'm glad to read that someone else has similar opinions, if not on dance, then working out and unhealthy foods. I know I struggle with unhealthy foods sometimes (during *that* time of the month, especially), but I'm working on it! This is a great reminder. Thank you so much, I thank the Lord for inspiring you! (:

    1. Kiera, thank you so much for commenting!
      I am definitely having to reshape my thinking. I used to be in shape, but I really never ate healthily on purpose. I played basketball in school so I didn't have to worry about it.
      I am very over-weight and am on a very slow journey back to health, but I find that thinking about it this way is much better than thinking "I have to get thin. I have to look good!".

  10. A big yes! and Amen! This one is hard for me too - and it's easy for me to separate food from my spirituality. But God made my body. Thanks for good reminders!

    1. It's something I struggle with daily! I am glad it was a blessing!
