4 Things Every Female Blogger is Required to Do

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Have you ever noticed that there are certain trends on blogs and on social media that seem like they are so prevalent that they are almost like an unspoken rule? Things that feel like they might be some secret right of passage into the "cool" side of life?

Trends fluctuate and change, but when a trend does come, you can bet it will be done and overdone on social media and the like. Most of the time though, that's not really too big of a deal because trends come and go in phases and one phase will eventually bid us farewell as it passes the baton off to the next trend on the scene.

But while these trends are occurring, it is critical that all of us lady-bloggers (and anyone who wants to be noticed on social media) pick up on these. Why? Because we have to be cool! We have to stick together and show the world that we can be awesome by doing the same things that everyone else is doing. Duh!

Thankfully, I have gathered this sacred list of trends so that every blogger and social media influencer will know exactly what they need to be doing in order to achieve awesomeness. You may not have known before that you were required to do these things, but now you do- and you're welcome!

There are 4 things that every social media influencer and blogger needs to do to be cool in the world. Here's your Guide. You're welcome.

Drink Coffee...Or At Least Drink Something from a Mug

If a blogger drinks coffee and forgets to post it on Instagram, did it actually happen?! I'm not entirely sure, and I suppose it will forever be a mystery.
It seems like if you are a lifestyle blogger, you HAVE to drink coffee (or at least tea, or wine from a mug, or at the very least, hot chocolate). I mean, come on- you can't seriously be inspired to create without that sweet nectar of life, right? 😅
That's why I make sure to post lots of coffee pictures on Instagram... how else will my readers know that my posts are gonna rock, unless they see that I have been inspired by my hot beverage?!

Use the Term "Bad-Ass"

Apparently, real lady bloggers call themselves "bad-asses". A term that used to be reserved for tattoo sleeves, bungee jumping, skydiving, and leather-jacket-wearing motorcycle-riders is now associated with sitting at a desk, typing out our hearts, and taking styled photos of us in pale pink sweaters and the perfect suede booties...Yes, that makes sense...😏

Photograph the Golden Trio

Have you ever noticed that us bloggers are constantly taking pictures of flatlays that include succulents, fancy paperclips, or a Macbook? And bonus points if it has all three, am I right?! I love taking pictures of succulents, and if I had any fancy paperclips, they'd probably make it in a few shots too. But that's just because I am a real blogger 😋

Everything Needs to Have Pineapples CACTI 

Scroll through Instagram for a few minutes and you are bound to see a cactus somewhere. For a few years it was pineapples- they were everywhere. And they aren't completely out, either. They still pop up from time-to-time on a coffee mug, a tee-shirt, or a fun pair of socks. But the pineapple isn't center-stage anymore (poor little guy). He has been pushed over for the all-important cactus. 

Cacti are now on everything: Mugs (so cute), lamps, cookie cutters, necklaces, rubber stamps...you get the picture. 

I think, if information serves me right, that you have to like cacti now, if you want to be taken seriously as a blogger. However, if you don't like cactus stuff, there's still hope! I believe that dinosaurs are inching their way back into the cool scene, so you could always get a dino mug instead! 

I'm glad we talked about this important issue today, friends. I mean, I didn't want to leave you in the dark. I wanted you to know that I do, in fact, qualify as a real blogger. And I also wanted to help my other blogger friends, just in case they were not aware of the rules. The rules are important, and should not be broken. And don't worry. If you aren't a blogger but still want to be cool on social media, you can still use all of these tips. Once you start doing these things, you are sure to be noticed and praise.

* You guys rock! Thanks for reading this silly post. I do love my coffee and succulents 😋


  1. HA! love it and that is so true about cacti!

    1. Hahaha, I know right. One day, I was at the mall and EVERYTHING had pineapples on it. Then, out of no where, the pineapples were gone and there was a cactus infestation! lol

    2. Lol...and then it was the giraffe! I love social media...I'm 60 years old and retired, so some days I can feel as if the world is turning too fast...but on social media, everything old is new again...and again! Thank you and I think I will stay peculiar ;)

    3. Lol...and then it was the giraffe! I love social media...I'm 60 years old and retired, so some days I can feel as if the world is turning too fast...but on social media, everything old is new again...and again! Thank you and I think I will stay peculiar ;)

  2. ha funny! I actually don't drink coffee but I do love photographing the golden trio - guilty!! haha

    1. hahaha! Well, I guess as long as you've got the golden trio going for you, you'll be alright! :p

  3. Your post made me laugh we all know it is true. I'm a hot chocolate person.

  4. I've noticed this! Haha it's too bad I don't like coffee! 😜

    1. You better find something to put in a mug if you wanna be cool :p Maybe you could stand your bacon up in it ;) #breakfastlover

  5. Cute post, thanks for sharing! Visiting from Blogging with Heart

  6. HAHA YESSSSS I love this so so much!! And if you're a Christian blogger, you have to use the word "intentional" in EVERY. SINGLE. INSTAGRAM. POST. ;)

    1. bahahahahahaha! YES! Oh, and don't forget "do life together" ;)

  7. All of this is so true! Lol! I'm seriously behind on my coffee pictures, though. And I can't believe I've never used the word "bad-ass" for anything. Wait... Kristin, you're such a bad-ass blogger babe! There, now I'm caught up on all of my musts!!! Thanks for the giggles! :)

    1. Muahahaha! Your comment literally just made me LOL. I've never in my life been called a "bad-ass". You are just too kind ;) :p
      And I am so glad you are a real blogger now!

  8. *waves hands in air like she just doesn't care* this is great, definitely add "metalics" and "sitting on a bed" hahahha oh, and "lady boss" :D

    1. SITTING ON THE BED! I forgot that one!!!!! Good call!

  9. Hilarious. The coffee mug. Drink anything. Or nothing. Just take a picture with the mug!

  10. Oh no! I don't have any cacti on my instagram! I'm a failure as a female blogger!!! On the plus side, I have a 'miracle' cactus in my house that I forgot to water for like 2 months and I thought it was amazing that it was still alive - turns out, my husband was secretly watering it. So probably, I should share this guy on facebook and instagram! Ha. Love these!

    1. Nooooooo! Take your camera out right now! It's important! :p

  11. The only one of these things I do is drink tea out of a mug. I guess that means I'm not a real blogger. Oh no! :)

    1. That counts! It's more about taking pictures of the mug to give the illusion that you are drinking something ;) You're still a really blogger! Whew! So glad you passed the test!

  12. Wait!! I thought the holy trinity of blogging was coffee, macarons, and flowers!!! lol. Love this post.

    1. Muahaha! Good call! I suppose macaroons and flowers are acceptable as well!

  13. Haha! This is really funny. I don't think I can ever bring myself to follow advice number 2, but I've been surprised at how many women do! Number 4 was my favorite. :)

    1. Same here, Julie. #2 is the only one on my list that absolutely drives me bonkers. The others are cute and funny, but I just think #2 is dumb. And though I'm not a huge fan of cussing for obvious reasons, that isn't even why it bothers me. It bothers me because it sounds really silly and pointless. lol.

  14. Hahaha, YES!! I've always wondered how it is that no one's acknowledged these things out loud, but they're totally ubiquitous! I can never decide whether I'm more tempted to NEVER do these, or totally do them ;)

    1. We definitely have to be able to make fun of ourselves. lol. I know I do most of these and I also know it's ridiculous. haha

  15. These are so, so funny! You are totally right! I didn't even notice the shift happening from pineapple to cacti, but this is real. I haven't jumped on many of these bandwagons, but I love a good coffee cup pic as much as the next girl!

    1. Oh yeah! I definitely do most of these actually. I just jumped in on the cactus scene. The only two I don't do are the Mac pics (because I have an HP lol) and the bad-ass thing because I despise it with all my heart. muahaha.

  16. This is too funny. Definite yes on the mugs!

  17. Haha! This is so funny! I am seeing these trends every where on Instagram. It is so funny how a trend will be over played on social media. Great post!

    1. So true! And other than the "bad-ass" one which actually drives me CRAZYYYYYYYYY, I do pretty much all of these myself. lol

  18. DYING! the mug thing is so true; I drink iced coffee (not from a mug) and will literally stage things for the mug effect haha andddd just got a cacti dress that I am shooting in today haha

    1. I bet that is the cutest dress! Can't wait to see it!

  19. HAHAHAHA SO TRUE!!!!! Come Fall everyone better be posting their #PSL! :)

  20. LOL yes!!! I can say "yup" to so many of these....especially the coffee point ;)

    1. Same here! The only two I cannot say "yup" to is the macbook (because I don't have one lol), and "bad-ass". hahhaha.

  21. the golden trio! So true! Also... I hadn't noticed the cacti trend but you're totally right! Poor pineapples!

    1. I know, right! Makes you feel a little bit bad for them ;)

  22. Hahaha!!! This is great!! I would also add that all successful bloggers also use succulents in their posts. ;-) haha!

  23. Haha!! I was just thinking about how cacti are everywhere just today! What a fun post! See you on the Gram ;)

  24. Bwhahahahaha!!!! This is great!! I was really hoping from the title your boost would be something like this, and you did not disappoint!

    1. Haha! I am so glad, Danielle! I have been wanting to write this post for a while lol.

  25. Haha Kristin this is so spot on! I almost never post pictures of my coffee on Instagram, so I definitely think I'm slacking as a blogger!

  26. This is truly a great post! Like every female blogger could relate to it! And at some point I could even realize that I shouldn't do or will do right after I read your post! Such a help! Have a nice day babe and hope you could visit my blog too!

    Elisha | http://loveelisha.net/casetify-unicorn-pastels/

  27. Ha! I need to get on board. I recently gave up coffee and now I don't do any of these things!

  28. Ha, ha! I hadn't noticed the cacti creeping in, but did get sick of pineapple graphics on everything. Didn't get sick of eating pineapple, though - that stuff is delicious!

  29. Hmmm, I don't do any of these things. I better get it together!

  30. Oh man! I'm only hitting 1/4!!! I don't even own a MacBook!!!!

    It's ok though, I regularly post pictures of stunning views with a wine glass in them to up my cred ;)

    Literally laughing out loud!

    Laura @ www.cookwineandthinker.com

  31. The trends make me laugh pretty hard too. I don't have a white bed spread because it stains too easily, I don't drink coffee, and I'm afraid to have cacti because I don't want my pet bird to hurt himself haha.
