This week was crazy-busy at work. The Salvation Army was at the conference center and each morning, THREE times per morning, they would mosey on over to the coffee shop and cause a title wave of espresso-loving men! We are talking 16 oz. specialty drinks with 4-7 shots of espresso in each drink! It was insane!
They were a fantastic group; so sweet, so genuine, and SO funny. They were all from different backgrounds and walks of life, but from a few conversations, I gathered that many of them were recovering from addictions or traumatic events. I know nothing about these people, but I felt for them in my heart and wanted them to see the love of Christ radiating through me. Hopefully they did.
Apart from work, I was also trying to work on the Insurgent book review, get the house as clean as it needed to be, and trying to get everything established for an online freelance position I just got! I was one crazy lady!
The highlight of my week was probably this past Wednesday. Wednesdays are usually good because it is bible study night, but this week was extra special, because we were able to hang out with some friends (George and Kathy) from Montreat College before heading to bible study.
Taylor and I walked around Lake Junaluska with George and Kathy to catch up on life and to spend the afternoon in the gorgeous, 70 degree weather. It really was a beautiful week that felt more like the end of September than the middle of August.
After walking the lake, all four of us went to a local restaurant in Waynesville called Bogarts. Taylor and I have only gone there a few times and I'm not really sure why because their food is excellent and it is adorable! It is very rustic and is decorated with black bears as there theme. If you are ever in Waynesville, North Carolina, you should definitely check it out!

The bible study leaders (also two close friends of ours) had set up coffee and hot tea for all of us. I had a cup of coffee AND a cup of Irish Breakfast tea! I just couldn't decide!
We have been studying the book of Mark every Wednesday night with our bible study and this week the passage was in Mark chapter 12. It was about the two greatest commandments: to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. That text is so loaded in things that seem impossible, but God calls us to go there. We are to spend our lives aiming to live like this and to trust God to help us get there! Talk about intense!

At some point this week, I was also able to make it to the pool after work. It was a perfect day for it. It was hot enough that I wanted to jump into the pool, but not too sweltering. I was so happy about being back in the water. It had been a couple of weeks since I had gone and the pool closes for the season soon!
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