I am so.stinkin.cold. I've already had two cups of coffee and a partial mug of tea just to keep warm. I love lots of things about snow (its beauty, the fact that it keeps my hubby home sometimes, and the fact that I have an excuse not to go anywhere) but this frigid cold is not one of them.
Even though I find it hard to handle the cold, I really have enjoyed the past few days.
Taylor's school let out at noon on Monday, so I got my man home for the majority of the day. We did one of our favorite things ever and scooted our mattress into the living room and watched Netflix. We watched Friends for a little while and Taylor dozed off, giving me the perfect opportunity to watch Bones :)

I also baked cookies that I planned to make for Valentine's Day and never got to. They were basically my usual chocolate chip cookie recipe that I always make, but I added chocolate syrup and cocoa powder to make them extra chocolate-y.
We had White Bean Soup for dinner (also home made) and watched the 80's movie Clue. It was very...interesting (as most 80's movies are). I enjoyed it though. It was funny and kept you guessing until the end.
We finished the night watching Who's Line, laughing until we couldn't breathe. I'm pretty sure that was the hardest I had ever heard Taylor laugh.

With the help of one of my friends, I figured out how to get a cleaner (but still "me") design for my blog. I'm terrible at all things design, so that was a great accomplishment.
I caught up on reading and commenting on my favorite blogs and then Taylor and I headed over to Wes and Jess' house for the evening. It was really great to have some time with Jess. I've missed her lately. She's pretty awesome :)
So even though this week is freezing and I have to wear a billion layers even when I'm inside, it has still been a blessing thus far. I love getting to do all these things and enjoy my husband being home during the week. I am very thankful.
Hope everyone is staying warm! Anyone else have a blessed, yet freezing week? Comment below!
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