Why Stewardship Matters for the Christian Life

Thursday, January 9, 2020
Stewardship is an important piece of the Christian life but it often gets ignored. What is Biblical stewardship and why is it important? Learn why stewardship matters for the Christian life today!

Why Stewardship Matters for Christians

If you do a Google search for the word "stewardship", you will find this definition: 
"The job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property."
While this definition is technically accurate even for Biblical stewardship, it doesn't give us the whole picture. This is because Biblical stewardship has a purpose beyond what Google can tell us. Biblical stewardship is all about taking care of the things and people we have in order to glorify God and make Him known to the world.

How does Biblical stewardship accomplish this? Why does stewardship matter for the Christian life? Keep reading to find out!

3 reasons why stewardship matters for Christians

Stewardship is an Act of Worship

Biblical Stewardship is an act of worship for the Christian because we are living out what God says in His word as a show of our affection and trust in Him. When we steward our time and resources well out of our love for God, we are worshiping Him through our actions. We are doing what Romans 12:1 tells us to do -- offering our bodies as living sacrifices as a spiritual act of worship.

Stewardship is Evangelism

Stewardship is evangelism because when we take care of what we have been given, not for our own gain but because we want to be faithful servants to the Lord, the world can see it. When we choose to be faithful stewards of our family relationships, our work, our time, our money, etc., but we simultaneously are not living for our own gain or glory, it shines as a light to the world. It stands out as a witness to a world that is broken, inward-focused, and frustrated by life. Being good stewards enables us to show the world that we are on a different path, which may end up opening the doors for gospel-centered conversations. Biblical stewardship can make the onlooking world curious and want to know more.

Stewardship is Obedience

At the end of the day, stewardship matters because God calls us to do it.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace" (1 Peter 4:10, ESV)
"If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?" (Luke 16:11, ESV)
"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome." (1 John 5:3, ESV)
 Scripture is clear that we should use what God has given us to serve, be faithful to, and glorify God. It is also clear that if we love God, we will live in obedience to Him. It goes without saying (but I'm going to say it anyway 😉) that we will never be able to obey perfectly while we are on earth, but we are commanded to do our best, through the power of the Holy Spirit. God supplies His grace, power, and help.

FAQ About Stewardship

Q: What are the different types of stewardship?
A: Typically, stewardship references things like time, money, a job, or the home. However, stewardship can be in reference to anything in your life that needs taking care of. Relationships, talents, your physical health, good habits, and even useful hobbies need stewarding in order to grow and improve. If it's something that needs to be maintained and taken care of, it most likely falls into the stewardship category.

Q: Where can I find examples of stewardship in the Bible?
A: Some examples of stewardship in the Bible include: Matthew 25:14-30, Genesis 1:26-28, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Tips for Stewardship

  • Commit to tithing. It's God's money anyway
  • Remember that even your time at work is a mission-field
  • Put phones away when you are spending time with people
  • Take note of your time-wasting habits and replace those habits with more productive ones
  • Keep your house and car clean
  • Pay attention to how you spend your money
  • In all things, ask yourself: "Is this God-honoring?"

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Why stewardship matters for Christians

Why does stewardship matter?

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