The party wasn't until Saturday, but I was thankful to have the extra time with Meredith. We never get to see each other anymore.
Mere and her fiance have been working on decorating the cute little apartment they will be moving into. It was adorable. Every wall is painted a different (but complementing) color, and in between the living room and kitchen she has painted a chalkboard wall with a quote from scripture.
I wish I could show you the whole apartment. It is super cute!
The next day, Mere and I cooked breakfast with her two roommates and another friend. I love them. They are such sweet women. After that we went to the Crabtree Valley Mall ( ITS HUGE!) and had our makeup done. Ya know, a girl date :)
That evening, the chick-ish festivities began.
We started the evening with a lingerie shower and then moved on to dinner. We went to a place called Kanki, which is a Japanese hibachi grill in Crabtree Valley. We had a big group of lovely ladies.
I was thrilled because one of my other best friends was able to make it to the party from the Coast. I never get to see her either. She's pretty wonderful!
(Grace and I. Best friends since 9th grade)
The last part of the evening was a sure sign of my love for Mere. We went dancing. I HATE dancing. That girl better know how much I love her! ;)
And guess what.... I do! She's awesome and I am so thankful for her friendship!
(The flash caught us off guard. Don't hate :p )
On sunday morning, I stopped at an awesome little place called New World Coffee. It was so cute in there. The coffee was good and they had amazing breakfast sandwiches. Grace and her husband were able to meet me for a quick date before I had to head out. It was so good to catch up!

My trip home was quite an adventure. I barely got on the road before I was overtaken with a migraine. For the first time in my life, I pulled over into a parking lot and slept for an hour and a half! I felt like a little old lady. Staying up until 2 am does not agree with my body.
After my nap in the Outback Steakhouse parking lot, I hit the road again feeling a lot better. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts again and got an iced coffee and I was set. I don't know about America, but Kristin sure was "running on Dunkin" ;)
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