Father God in Heaven,
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord.
Teach me and guide me in your truth. Lead me in your way ever-lasting and show me the way I should go in all things. Search me and see if there is any wrong in me and correct it.
Holy is your name. Your kingdom come and will be done, God in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread (physically, emotionally, spiritually, ect.) and forgive us our sins and heal us, help us, and purify us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, not just in what we do, but in all we say, think, desire, and even in our motives. Let them all be pure and pleasing to you, Father God in Heaven.
We are yours, Lord God. We belong to you. Who are we to question your ways? Who are we to bypass your plan for our own? Who are we to put our own desires above yours? Forgive us, correct us. reveal to us when we are living wrongly, and teach us how to obey, and help us to fully in all things.
Help us take every thought and every thing captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ, and teach us how.
Help us not to twist, misinterpret, or misapply anything; thinking that something is from you, your voice, or something you are saying when it isn't, or vice-versa. Help us not to do those things in anything, at anytime, in any way, shape or form, God in Heaven. And help us know the truth, know the difference, and accept, believe, act on, live by, move forward, and obey fully, accordingly, with anything and everything we struggle with specifically, in all those ways, and with anything and everything else in life in all those ways too please, God in Heaven.
Help us to hear your voice clearly, God in Heaven, and know your voice compared to and against all else. and help us always follow and obey your voice, truth and will, God in Heaven, and not anything else, and help us not to get tricked by the enemy. But distinctly and fully know the difference.
Let our desire be you. Let me be a witness, example and light for you everywhere I go to everyone.
Be with all the prayer requests, my own, and all those of your children.
Be with everyone today and protect us all and keep us all safe. Be with those in any kind of emergency and use it to help them draw closer to you. Be with all involved, affected, and helping, God in Heaven in every way they need it.
Take care of, help me with, and do for me all that I always ask, pray, have on my heart and mind, and desire for you to help me with and do for me, God in Heaven, all in general, all specifically, and including all of the "includings", new, old, and added on.
Help me to trust you to do all I've asked for me, in all those ways I've asked, help me trust you in general, and help me trust you for your will, timing, and in every way that I should.
Help me, heal me, forgive me, purify me, correct me, and guard and protect me in every way I need it, in every way I struggle and in all against you, God in Heaven.
I ask all of these things for myself and for all your children, in Jesus' name with faith in you, in and through the faith I've asked you to constantly fill me with, God in Heaven, thank you, amen.
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