This weekend was Homecoming Weekend at Montreat College and it was also our five year anniversary since Taylor asked me to be his girlfriend. We decided that it would be fun to go out to dinner in Black Mountain and walk around Montreat's campus to celebrate our anniversary, and then go to the young alumni event that started later in the evening.
We started our date by going to the Black Mountain Bistro. It is a really adorable restaurant with a Southern elegance feel. We didn't go there often when we were in school because it is kind of pricey, but it was always pretty good when we did go.

After dinner we walked around Lake Susan at Montreat and said hi to a friend of mine at my old dorm. It was nice to be back on campus. Montreat is a beautiful place.
The young alumni event didn't start until 8, so Taylor and I still had some time to kill. We decided to go to our favorite coffee shop, The Drip.
We use to spend hours in The Drip studying and talking. Most of the time it was Taylor, myself, and our good friend, Bri. We drank way too much coffee and spent more money than we should have there, but we loved it and it is a place filled with great memories.
This time, Taylor got a mocha and I got a chai. The Drip use to have the best chai, but they have changed it and now it is crazy spicy! Taylor liked my chai so he switched drinks with me. I added some frosted mint to his mocha and it was really good.
After our trip down memory lane was over, we headed to the alumni event. We had such a good time. There was a really great group of core people from Montreat, most of whom graduated with me.
I didn't take any pictures at the event, but I can tell you that some of my favorite friends were there. Montreat's best quality was always it's group of people who were sold-out for God. I can never express just how important and beautiful that was. For anyone searching for a Christ-centered school, I highly recommend Montreat. It isn't perfect, but neither is any other college.
Happy Monday!
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